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Showing posts from January, 2023


today in class we started step 2 of our research project we read a sample of how our groups synthesis essay should look and began writing the introduction the rest we will continue tomorrow. this took us until the end of class 


today in class we went over the rubric to our group/individual project, we got put in groups of 4 based on the 3 main topics we chose that interested us the most. the project i got put in was the mass violence group and what we did today was create a bubble chart based on subtopics within the main topic and then had to choose the one we wanted to focus on. my group chose public shootings. that took up the entire class period. 


During class today we read a new source given to us as a class and underlined the most important things, we then individually write out a claim, evidence, and reasoning to show if we understood the concept. then mr rease came around- checked and gave pointers of what we had to fix if we had any. we turned it in and class was over. 


Today we picked a claim from the ones we wrote earlier in the week and used evidence we found from the sources provided to us we also explained/gave reasoning. and kept practicing how to support a claim with evidence found from our source. We also were given pages to read for hw from the book wild. 


Today we took our hw quiz on chapter 5; i definitely could have done better had i actually read the book. i did answer most questions based off common knowledge but that does not guarantee i got a good grade. We then went over the answers to the quiz which took the rest of class. 


today we received a packet with several sources where we then had to make claims and then cite evidence from the valuable sources, we did this the entire class period then we were given hw which was to read chapter 5. 


in class today we continued reading wild, while reading we paused through the pages to write thought provoking questions that didn’t only relate to the book but to the general audience. from what we’ve read do far Cheryl’s mom died, while she wasn’t there and she blamed herself for it. 

Rewriting My Past

Its not possible to re-write my past but to say i would do something differently of course i would. i would “rewrite” my time at my first high school, appreciate it more to where i never had to leave it but in reality i cant do that  so i rewrote it by restarting at the new high school, hanging out with the right people and leaving that school there and starting over.  


during class today our warm up stood out to me, how can being alone be beneficial. i am never technically alone i always have my phone which keeps me in contact with others. we also continued reading wild and discovered that her mindset had changed from not allowing the thought of the doctors being correct about her mother dying to then realizing she really only had a year. i left class early today so thats what occurred in the time i was in attendance 


Pros - dont have to worry about others no judgement  - limit distractions  - get to know yourself  Cons  - isolation and boredom - nobody to share your problems with - not good for mental health being alone can be empowering by giving motivation to do the things you've been putting off, give you the chance to clear your head and be able to accomplish something 


 today in class we reviewed more rhetorical devices, the main one we focused on today what rhetorical questions which are questions that don't need to be answered but the assumption of the question is always a yes or no. we also began reading the first chapter of wild and so far the book seems alright not to much has occurred to hook me in, what we read was mostly flashbacks of her life and how she came to begin hiking the pct. 


today in class our warm up was about a life changing moment we have experienced and when it was time to share out mr. rease said something about maybe not wanting to share out because it was personal which he understood but the reason he had us write it out was because writing was a form of therapy which was something i had heard before. we also began reading the book wild and just got the overall idea of what we were soon to read. 

Bellringer 01-10-2023

  i think a life changing moment that altered my life completely was when i moved away from the city i grew up in. this did not only impact what school i went to but friendships i had made and moved me away from the only city i knew like the back of my hand. i think the most affecting part wasn't moving away from the city but having to leave my highschool halfway through the school year, i wouldn't have minded moving homes as long as i stayed in my high school. 


today during class we discussed the basics of hiking and the most important necessities you would take to survive through a long hike, and what to do if encountered with a wild animal. 

Bellringer 01-09-2023

Mendy Reyes AP Lang Mr. Rease 01-09-2023 Bellringer -Rhetorical Devices  1. Hyperbole - exaggerated statements  im so hungry i could eat a horse  its raining cats and dogs 2. Antithesis - a contrast or opposition between two things wealth - poverty love - hate 3. Litotes -  understatement expressed in a negative or contradictory way its not my first rodeo its not rocket science