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today in class our warm up was about a life changing moment we have experienced and when it was time to share out mr. rease said something about maybe not wanting to share out because it was personal which he understood but the reason he had us write it out was because writing was a form of therapy which was something i had heard before. we also began reading the book wild and just got the overall idea of what we were soon to read. 


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i dont really remember what we did today i was tired i think it was to find more sources but im not really sure this week has  just felt jumbled. im just ready for my weekend. 


today in class we presented our black history month projects im not even going to lie i did not complete it. last week and just the weekend were just real stressful for me but its my fault. but within these presentations i saw several businesses that ive never heard of, some caught my interest and i took a picture of them to maybe later check them out. this took us to the end of class.