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Showing posts from April, 2023


today in class we quickly uploaded our powerpoint into the shared doc and then presented, i think we did okay. after that i went to go make me noodles and this took me to the end of class. 


in class today i received the “following a current issue project” and started it today my group and i completed steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 we have a little over half to do and to put it in the powerpoint overall it was a pretty easy day.  


i was tired today and my stomach was hurting bad. but in class i know we read a short prompt but dont really remember much about it. mr. rease stopped the lesson around 2:30 so he could give everyone who did the rhetorical analysis essay feedback. so easy day overall. 


 today in class we discussed doubt and certainty. then we chose our position on weather we thought they had a relationship with each other or not. i took the position they did because i think to be certain about something you must have a strong doubt on the other. this took us to the end of class. 


 Perfection. thats what we focused on in class today. we each wrote on the board what we wanted to perfect in our lives - mine was healthy eating habits. it can just be very beneficial to have a stable eating habits and will be better later on in class.


today in class mr. rease told me to write my essay that i missed while i was absent. i was very sure to mention that i was not prepared and that my mind isnt in the right place to write it today. i was told review was given and i didn’t receive it so that further proves that i wouldnt pass it. regardless i know my limits and i feel today isnt the day to write the essay and i told him this and all he said was “well take the zero”. the education system for you ◡̈