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Showing posts from February, 2023


today during class i got called to get my AP Test Paper which basically tells me the final price of what i have to pay. when i came back to class that is what i focused on the most and dont remember what was assigned. 


 today in class we finished the last few presentations we had from the black history project and then watched a documentary on black business owners and their stories on how they got to where they are now. main points made points made through out the video was that no matter where you start from/at if you gave the mindset and determination you will grow. i found this video interesting because these people shown never let their physical traits steer them off the track they had set. this took us to the end of class. 


today in class we presented our black history month projects im not even going to lie i did not complete it. last week and just the weekend were just real stressful for me but its my fault. but within these presentations i saw several businesses that ive never heard of, some caught my interest and i took a picture of them to maybe later check them out. this took us to the end of class. 


today in class we focused on comedians and how they have an advantage in society- this is because they can say whatever race based, sexuality based, orientation based jokes and wont receive hate or get “cancelled” for them.  its kind of more complicated now because now everyone takes offense to everything no matter what. 


its valentines day ! and we included this into todays lesson. we had everyone stick a paper on their backs and went around a wrote something positive about the person we then did a poem based on it. anyways good day :)


today we worked and included black history into our lesson we read and annotated a poem based on the black community and how ancestors now have been forgotten. we then got our black history project where we have to find black owned businesses and make a presentation on it and due on friday. also tomorrow’s valentines day ahh 


i dont really remember what we did today i was tired i think it was to find more sources but im not really sure this week has  just felt jumbled. im just ready for my weekend. 


in class today we were supposed to find more source im not even going to lie i didnt do them i instead took this time to finish an assignment from another class because i couldnt stay after school where i was supposed to do it this took up the whole class period 


today in class we went back to reading the book wild but we did it not as a class but in individual small groups we chose within these groups we made 7 discussion questions it was fairly simple, we were going to share them after like 30 or 40 minutes but we had a tornado drill instead and took the rest of the class to just relax. 


today in class we went over how to put and find our sources in our drive. we each were told to find 10 sources for our topic mine is mass violence. i didnt get my work done today i was t feeling to good we’ll see how tomorrow goes. 


today in class we read through our sample synthesis essays that each group made and looked at our questions to see if they were argumentative. once we got and gave feedback to each other we moved back to working with our groups and created 5 more argumentative questions which then we had to choose our best one once mr rease came and seen them. this took is to the end of class where we wrote on the board again. 


as a class we discussed our questions we made as a group on the book wild, we then for the last 30 mins of class watched the movie on the parts we’ve read so far - the book gives more details on her experiences the movie narrowed it down more and didnt show the extras (when she got dropped off by the man in the book it describes the van and how when she got out they both the man and son offered to help her with her pack and also how she hoped they would leave the pack on the car so she could put on simply but they didnt & in the movie several. flashbacks were shown) just goes to show how the book and movie have differences. this took us to the end if class. 


in class today we listened to mr rease show how to sight sources correctly we were supposed to follow step by step with him but my chromebook was acting up so i just listened, he then gave us about the last 25ish mins of class to do whatever and we just wrote on the board and played hang man. this took us to the end of class. 


today we continued working as a group to make further progress on our synthesis essay we did this the first 30 ish minutes of class then the last 30 minutes we continued reading chapter 6 and made 10 questions as a group to present tomorrow to the class. this took us to the end of class.